The Virgin of the Rock who watches over the beach
For over a hundred years, the Vierge du Rocheralso known as the Vierge Bleue, has watched over bathers on the plage des Sablons, Pornic. Take the stairs winding up the cliff, and you'll discover her statue sheltered in a rock cavity. It was in 1880 that a neighboring landowner, miraculously saved after a fall from the rocks, commissioned the erection of this protective figure as a sign of his gratitude. In 1971, the Virgin was desecrated, and the people of Pornic rebuilt it from the debris found. Today, the Vierge Bleue is protected behind a grille, and a few believers place petitions for mercy or thanks on it.
From panoramas to admire
Between two swims on the Sablons beach in Pornic or siestas on its fine sand, take a stroll and contemplate the magnificent landscapes of this corner of the Pays de la Loire.
Overlooking the Sablons beach, the sentier des Douaniers offers superb views of the wild Loire-Atlantique coastline, cliffs, coves and traditional fisheries. On a clear day, you'll be able to see out to sea the Ile du Pilier, opposite the port of L'Herbaudière, as well as the island of Noirmoutier and the Bay of Bourgneuf.
La plage des Sablons in Pornic practical information
Located on rue des Sablons in Sainte-Marie-sur-Mer (Pornic), the plage des Sablons seduces with its natural setting. Access, however, is quite steepwhich can be difficult for some people. At the top of the beach public toilets are available for your convenience.
A small parking lot is located near the plage des Sablonsbut space is limited, especially in high season. The best way to get there is on foot along the coastal path.
In addition to the idyllic setting, you can take a gourmet break at gourmet break at La Cabane des Sablonsa friendly beach bar offering homemade ice creams, salads, wraps and sandwiches, perfect for a relaxing break between swims.
Other beaches Pornic beaches to discover
In addition to plage des Sablons in Pornicother beaches are well worth a visit during your stay. Put down your towel La Noëveillard beachPornic's largest beach, located at the foot of the marina. You can also visit La Birochère beachbeach, appreciated for its wild aspect, and don't miss the Fontaine aux Bretons beachfar from the hustle and bustle, in the heart of unspoilt nature.
In Loire-Atlantique, you'll also find Gohaud beach in Saint-Michel-Chef-Chef, Rinais beach in La Bernerie-en-Retz, Saint-Michel beach in Batz-sur-Mer and Porcé beach in Saint-Nazaire.
Between plage des Sablons in Pornic and the other beautiful beaches of Loire-Atlantique, your stay in the Pays de la Loire region promises to be rich in swimming and beautiful scenery!